Nik collection by dxo review
Nik collection by dxo review

nik collection by dxo review nik collection by dxo review

If they do, I’ll give it a try and see if I feel it justifies a purchase. I haven’t checked to see if they are offering a trial, but I will check. I, like you, am hesitant to jump on version 5. I just saw the upgrade offer in my email. Not sure I'm ready to pounce on this one having been burned on the lack of real updates for the last 2 versions. Now, one year after 4, we get the release of 5 which is 'rebuilt from the ground up' and at the low, low price of $79 That being said, I paid for Nik 3 then Nik 4 and saw little to no changes/improvement in the way I use the programs.

nik collection by dxo review

I use Color Efex Pro a fair amount to add contrast to images in ways I have not been able to do as easily otherwise. Nik Collection 5 - anyone upgrade (that feels like a generous description)?.

Nik collection by dxo review